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Top Ways To Teach Fun & Easy Netball Drills

Netball is great because it can be such a fun sport. A lot of people believe that netball is just a game of running around and dribbling, but there is so much more you can do to improve your team’s playing skills.

So, are you looking for some fun and easy netball drills? While most netball players enjoy playing the sport because it’s fun, there are also things we can do to improve our skill level.

Netball Drills That Create A Sense Of Winning & Achievement!

So your child’s netball season has just finished. You loved the fact that they are involved in such a fun, social sport, but it was a terrible season result-wise, and another one like it will seriously affect their morale?

netball drill

It can be heartbreaking and unenjoyable when they’re not winning or when the team struggles with learning and gaining the basic skill set and confidence to play well and enjoy what they are doing.

We’ve come across an exciting set of netball drills that are not only enjoyable but increase the skill levels of those keen to give it a go.

How These Netball Drills Will Retain Interest

As a parent, it can be heartbreaking seeing your child not achieve at sport. It can be easy going from sport to sport, in the hope they will find something they are good at, but this can be even more counterproductive.

Netball should be an enjoyable, social sport that everyone can partake in, especially girls, one of the most participated sports. Netball is a team sport that is healthy and fit and should be persevered with.

Practicing and learning netball drills should be fun first and foremost, and, if done regularly, it will greatly enhance their skill levels.

Netball Drills Don’t Have to Take Up All Your Time.

The word ‘drills’ sometimes has a negative connotation: a military-like regime in which participants are told not to quit. Netball drills don’t have to be like this! We keep talking about the theme of enjoyment, and you should always focus drills on this.

Just a small dedication of time per day is required, invest in a good quality ball and hoop, and go for it! Even as little as ten minutes a day is healthy, and after an unsuccessful season will hopefully reignite that spark again.

What Type Of Netball Drills Are Best?

Ask your child what they like best about the sport, and focus on that to get the enjoyment levels up again. Participate with them and be encouraging. Many effective drills can achieve the desired goal, whether throwing the ball around with a catch-and-pass drill or a shooting drill.

We have come across a fantastic resource that can help. Developed by parents just like you, they have put together a system that has shown proven results and been widely regarded by those that have used it.

Basic Netball Passing Drills That Can Enhance Skill Levels

In Netball, good passing abilities are a fundamental skill of the game. Like with every sport, coaches have a set of drills to assist in developing their players. Sure Netball is about setting goals, but you can’t get a goal without getting the ball to one of the shooters. How does the ball get to the shooters? That’s right, through the humble pass!

All Netball teams should have a good set of passing drills that then makes the skill of passing second nature. The more you practice, the more skillful you will get, and as a team, the more successful you will be on the court.

Types of Netball Passing

There are several different types of passes for different situations in netball. But for a beginner, netball passing drills should start with basic standard passing and bounce passing. Netballers’ first question in their mind when they receive the ball during a game will be ‘who should I pass it to?’, the next will be ‘what sort of pass should I use?’.

Netball players will, throughout their development, gain a feel for the type of pass to use. Basic netball passing drills for beginners should first and foremost focus on making and receiving a pass. A child being comfortable with this is the first fundamental for passing and ensuring enjoyment of the sport.

How Often Should Netball Passing Drills Be Taught?

There is no single answer for this, as all players develop this skill after different periods. However, being a fundamental skill of the game, it doesn’t hurt to regularly throw a ball around in a passing drill so long as you make it enjoyable for your child. Invest in a good quality ball and find a good spot in the backyard to practice.

If you feel like your child is not getting adequate training at team practice, then complement this by practicing netball passing drills in your own time. The drills don’t need to be run to military-like precision(!), all you need is a ball and a few people, and you are set to go!

Where Can I Find Netball Passing Drills?

If you are a parent, spend some time watching your child’s training session one day. Pick up some basic drills the coach teaches and encourage your child to practice a few times a week at home. Make it enjoyable and participate with them. Even speak with the coach to get their opinion on the most effective and enjoyable passing drills.

Netball Warm-up Drills – A Winning Blueprint

Like with every sport or physical activity, learning to warm up for a netball game is one of the key fundamentals. But what are the most effective netball warm-up drills for children who want to get in there and play straight away?

Educating children about the importance of warming up is an all-important aspect of netball or any other form of sport or physical activity undertaken, so how can you turn a warm-up from being a boring pre-cursor to a fun part of the game?

Netball Warm-up Drills Help Avoid Injury

Of course, this is a hard sell to children. Why would they worry about injury? They are indestructible, aren’t they?! The key to the underlying injury factor is to try and make this as fun as possible and a regular part of the lead-in to the match itself. Now we aren’t claiming to be sports scientists, but netball warm-up drills are designed to do exactly that – warm up your muscles and prepare them for what they’re about to do.

At a beginner child’s age, this goal is to ensure this is all part of the routine for the years of netball ahead.

What Type of Netball Warm-up Drills Are Useful?

We’ve all been there. It’s a cold morning. It was a struggle getting out of bed and making breakfast let alone thinking about heading outside for a netball game. Any drill that got the muscles working and warmed up is useful!

Please don’t go too hard, though. You don’t want to tire them out for the game. Start with a lap or two around the court (just a light jog will do)—time to warm those hands up with a few basic passing and shooting drills. Showing enthusiasm for the warm-up will go a long way!

Using drills that the team has enjoyed during the week as warm-up drills are a good idea.

Stretch! Stretching is a non-netball-specific skill that you should always use before a game, and if you don’t have access to a court pre-game, then stretching at a minimum should always be done.

Secrets To Teaching Top Netball Coaching Drills

Do you want your child to participate in a sport that is fun, easy, and social? Then Netball is the sport for them! More and more children are taking up netball as a fun, but competitive sport due to the increased exposure netball now receives. Your child can get much enjoyment from it, so why not teach them some basic coaching drills?

Netball is a wonderful team-based sport that encourages skill but is enjoyable for the players and easy to follow for spectators. It is a sport anyone can pick up and one that you can easily advance with only a small amount of practice.

Netball Coaching Drills – Can These Be Fun?

Scared that netball coaching drills might be too boring for your child? Don’t worry, playing and learning netball with their friends will be like playing in the backyard! No one needs any previous netball experience to play. In addition to learning new skills, children also learn about enjoyment and getting fit simultaneously.

Why Everyone Should Learn Netball

Netball is an enjoyable, fun, social sport, yet it is skillful and competitive at the same time. Not only is it fun to play, but netball is a fun sport to watch as well.

The sport of netball has been around for well over one hundred years and is one of the most popular women’s team sports globally. A knowledge of netball is more than useful so you can show an interest in your children’s wellbeing, watch with interest that big game on TV, or ensure you are the star player in your work’s next corporate games outing!

How To Learn Netball Drills

As parents, you can learn netball drills by watching your children train with their team and provide encouragement by having them practice at home. Alternatively, you can contact your local netball club and see what resources they have on hand.

Netball is portrayed as a sport for the skillful, but anyone can play with plenty of practice and a good dose of fun! Coaching drills can help make playing netball fun and easy to master.

How To Run Fast & Effective Netball Skills & Drills

So you are a netball-loving parent that has just registered your child for a netball team for the season. But you’re worried because this is their first time playing. Will they be the uncoordinated ones no one wants to pass the ball to, or will they be the team’s star?

Not that you should ever push your child to want to be the star of the team, but you at least want them to be able to enjoy themselves by positively contributing to the team, right? Now you can implement some basic netball skills and drills to help them.

How To Teach Netball Skills & Drills?

Whilst you don’t want to overdo things and potentially take the enjoyment out of netball, you want to ensure the regular practice of netball skills and drills is undertaken. Practicing only a few drills each day will go a long way towards refining their skill set and overall enjoyment.

There are several different netball aspects that you can concentrate on: passing, court vision, shooting, and defending are all important things that you can learn from some basic netball drills. It would help if you focused your attention on these skills initially.

Are Any Netball Skills & Drills More Important Than The Others?

The answer to this question often depends on the current skill level of your child. But for this, we will focus on the beginner netballer. The most important netball skill is that of enjoyment!

However, like with many sports, a particular skill is often used more often than not, which is a fundamental skill to acquire. In netball, that skill is passing. Without a solid passing game, players will most likely struggle with netball. Most drills at a beginner level will focus on this particular skill of passing.

Shooting will also be a skill that children will be eager to master, given that the game’s ultimate goal is to score goals. Things such as court vision will develop the longer your child participates in netball. Experience is everything!

Where To Find Netball Skills & Drills

There’s nothing like watching the athletes themselves perform to make you realize how skillful they are. As they say, practice makes perfect, and you should look no further than the coaching your child is already receiving. There’s no point reinventing the wheel, so observe your child at training and see what drills they enjoy and replicate them at home.

Many resources exist, and you can often find these at your local club. You can also find many great netball resources right here online.

Discover Fast and Easy Netball Drills for Children

The sport of netball is beginning to invade homes with the advent of competitions such as the ANZ Championship, the Fastnet World Netball Series, and the exposure it gains during the likes of the Commonwealth Games.

As such, more children (especially girls) are becoming increasingly attracted to the sport.

So if you have an interested child, how can you encourage them further with some valuable, fun netball drills?

Kids Netball Drills: The Basics

By learning the basics, children will likely perform well on the court, and as a result, have fun, enjoy themselves, and importantly, have their confidence increased.

Netball drills can help them achieve all of this. It doesn’t have to be a chore or take up too much time. Even just 10 minutes a day will do a world of good.

By teaching just the basic skills such as passing and shooting through effective netball drills, you may be surprised as to how quickly their skills develop, and their game and confidence grow.

Where to find Netball Drills for Children

We have been impressed with the ‘Netball Star’ system, an exclusive set of training manuals targeted at children between 6-10 years old.

Developed by a netball parent, this great resource touches on many of the key fundamentals, including basic training drills, a crash course on netball rules, and other handy training and warm-up methods.

The beauty of this resource is that it is written by parents for parents and is laid out in an easy-to-understand, well-prepared manner. We are sure you will discover the benefits of this in only a short matter of time.

Top Netball Drills and Techniques For Children

Netball Drills are a fantastic and fun way of teaching children the fundamental basics of Netball. Netball practice drills are a great way to refine your child’s skills and enhance their enjoyment of the sport of netball.

Practicing netball skills each day can fine-tune their netball ability. If you take the time to help them practice, you will see a change in their game, attitude, and overall enjoyment.

Netball Coaching Drills as a team or individual?

Many people believe that practicing as a team is the best way to about netball drills. Either that or you can encourage your child’s friends to practice as well. All you need is a good-quality ball and hoop, and away you go.

Practicing alone with your child is also a very valid option. Consider doing your research online to find some common netball drills. Many publications are available that will illustrate numerous drills, often written and published by the sports national body.

Regular Netball Drill Practice is Advised!

Whichever method you select, so long as the practice is regular, it will be effective. Practicing netball drills at least a couple of times a week will keep their skills sharp and have them ready and eager each weekend come game time.

Please provide as much encouragement as possible to your child, and most importantly, have fun while you do it. Netball drills shouldn’t be a chore, and they provide the perfect opportunity to show interest in their sport.

If you choose to implement regular practice through drills, you will see a noticeable difference in skill level over time.

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