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Badminton Doubles Tips for Men, Women and Mixed Doubles

These badminton doubles tips will give you an edge over your opponents. The games are normally speedy and fun. Having more people on the court makes the game move faster and keeps the excitement going.

Badminton doubles are not only a very challenging sport but also a top-rated event that many people play. Due to the limited court space and fast speed, doubles matches can always make people thrilled.

The perfect doubles match is simply enviable, but wit and courage are indispensable if you want to win the game! Victory in doubles amateur matches is often consistent with making fewer mistakes and not necessarily more fierce smashes and blockades. Rather than attacking hard, it is better to hone the quality and impact of your shots.

badminton doubles

If you play doubles, whether it is men’s, women’s or mixed, you can benefit from some badminton doubles tips.

Badminton Doubles Tips and Tricks

The following tips are general tips that you can use for any doubles play.

Tip #1: Focus on Court Rotation Between Partners

A successful doubles team must work together very well.

Both partners must know each other well and anticipate their partners’ moves and complement their partners’ play styles.

You must work on coordinating your movements and work together on the court.

This is quite possibly the single most important badminton doubles tip you can get.

Tip #2: Know Where To Be Based on Your Partner’s Movement

You have to learn how to react to your partner’s movements to cover the court adequately.

If your partner serves low or hits the shuttlecock low, they should be close to the net while you take the back.

If your partner serves high or has a clear shot, then you should stand side by side on the court with you, each covering your own side.

If your partner is in one corner, you need to stick to the middle of the court.

Be ready to take any shot, including being ready with your badminton backhand, while you are covering your partner in a corner.

Tip #3: Gain the Upper Hand and Win the Game

No list of badminton doubles tips would be complete without giving some advice on how to win the game.

Ultimately in badminton, whoever gains the upper hand or gets control over the opposing team, will win the game.

The best way to do this is to pound them with downward shots, pushes, and drives.

Tip #4: Develop Verbal Commands To Help With Court Rotation

When you are playing with a new partner, it is helpful to develop verbal commands that you can use to coordinate your on-court movements.

Having some simple commands will really help you to work together.

Eventually, you should anticipate each other’s moves, but in the beginning verbal commands will keep you both on track on the court.

This is one of the more helpful badminton doubles tips for beginners.

Tip #5: Always Think About Your Partners Position

Both partners must be able to see the other team clearly.

If you are standing in front, then crouch so your partner can see.

Keep in mind your partner’s line of vision at all times, so your partner doesn’t get caught off guard due to not being able to see.

Some Strategies You Can Use When Playing Doubles

The front of the net in doubles is the root of change, and the backcourt offense is an effective means of scoring, and it is the chance for you to make a comeback if you are in an adversity position. Therefore, in a game, more changes in strategy are the key to victory.

Serving Tactics

Most people said it is the most critical to take advantage of the first three shots. The ultimate goal is to ensure you are in the optimum position to force your opponents to be in a defensive position so that you can seize control of the game.

Facing Unfamiliar Opponents

If it is the first time you play with your opponents, you should observe their playing style through the first few shots. Figure out the opponent’s serving habits and get familiar with them.

Pay attention to the position of the opponent receiving the serve. See whether they are good at playing net shot; find the pattern of how they return the shot.

Pay attention to the weak links and habits of the opponent, communicate with your partner in time, and find the way to score.

From my observation, most of the time, players with good skills lose to players with poor skills because they played the game without using their brains (only amateur games are discussed here).

After playing a game, I sometimes heard some players suddenly exclaimed: “Now only I find out my opponent is left-handed!” This is a typical player who plays brainlessly.

Organize Your Serve

Understand your own serve advantage and the advantage of the third shot, and don’t think too much about the opponent’s ability to receive the serve.

It would be best if you organized the serve with your own ability. Let the opponent’s actions fall within your expected range. If the opponent is standing very close to the net, you need to pay attention to whether he will make a quick attack or want to intimidate you.

Develop Serving Tactics Based On the Opponent’s Weakness

Mobilize the serve of the opponents. If they are good in the backcourt, you can play more net shots. If they are good at receiving your serve, try to serve backcourt sometime. This is to make them feel uncomfortable and uneasy with your serve.

Figure out the opponents’ strengths and weaknesses quickly, then develop an effective serve strategy with your partner.

Tactics of Changing Serve Time

You should avoid doing the same serve every time. Instead, you can sometimes do fast, slow, long, or short serve. Inconsistent serving time can confuse your opponents.

With this, they can’t know your rhythm. You can slowly count 1-2-3-4 in your mind. Then do the first serve in 1 second, the second serve in 2 seconds, the third serve in 3 seconds, and the fourth serve in 4 seconds. Then repeat the rhythm.

Another tactic that you can use is with the combination of soft and hard serve, long and short serve, and straight and diagonal serve. Sometimes the slow serve can make the opponent react awkwardly.

Lift The Racket Over The Net

You can play with different tactics such as net shot, soft return, drop shot to different areas, flat push, etc. This will force the opponent to chase your shot passively.

After return the shot, you must immediately lift your racket and get ready. This can force your opponent not able to play a net shot but to lift the shuttle.

Partner in the Midfield

It would be best to stand in the midfield when you are ready to receive serve, not in the backcourt.

If the opponent makes a net shot, the midfielder can quickly move left and right to return the shot. At the same time, he can still maintain a position to drive the shot.

But if you are standing in the backcourt, you will not be able to cover the frontcourt。 You will have to run forward and lift the shot. This will make you lose the initiative.

The Most Suitable Drop Point For Your Smash Is In Front Of Your Partner

If your partner is readily in front of the net, then the most suitable drop point for your smash is in front of your partner. With this, the opposite return shot is all within the coverage of your partner.

Lift the Ball If You Are in Passive Position

When you are in a passive position, the best return shot that you can do is to do a lift of the shuttle to the backcourt.

I’ve seen too many players who can’t play faster than their opponents and put themselves in a passive position, but still, they tend to drive the shuttle and not make a high lift. This makes them have no time to form their defensive position and get defeated in the game.

If You Start Getting Exhausted, Focus On Receiving Serve

When your physical strength begins to decline, you should strive to solve the battle with three or four shots.

When the tactic is effective, stick to it. Conversely, when you find that your opponent has adapted to your tactic, you must change it in time so that your opponent can’t keep pace with you.

How To Play Badminton Doubles With A Weak Partner

If you are team up with a weaker player than you, you need to use some tactics to increase your chances of winning the game.

When your partner does the serve, you should take responsibility for the backcourt. YOu will need to do more smashes and clears.

Once your opponent is doing a drop shot, let your partner lift the shuttle to the backcourt. If your partner is not good at playing drop shot, when he receives a drop shot from the opponent, let him return the shot to the side where the opponent does the serve.

The tactics in mind are that usually when a player finishes the serve, he tends to consider that the opponent will return the shot to the backcourt and often less focus on the empty field where the ball has just been served.

When it is your turn to serve, you’d better choose to serve a long shot. Even if the opponent receives your shot, usually, he will only hit the shuttle to the frontcourt.

The most important thing about doubles is that two players can’t just stand at the same point while playing. At one point, if you are standing behind the left when returning the shot, then your partner should wait for the return to the right side of the service line, and at the same time, you should take a quick step forward after you return the ball.

Finally, let your partner strengthen his skills through training. Playing badminton is not about brute force but skill. So, practice more is the key to improve your partner’s overall playing skills.

Playing badminton doubles is not only a test of physical strength, but it greatly depends on your playing skills and tactics.

In addition to daily training, more brainstorming is the key to victory!

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