Most people think of skydiving as a crazy sport where you jump out of an airplane from a very high altitude. Technology now allows us to use a vertical wind tunnel for skydiving safely and on the ground. Well, not really on the ground, you will be floating in the air, but you know what I mean – you don’t have to jump out of a plane.
Vertical Wind Tunnel for Indoor Skydiving
What the heck is a vertical wind tunnel? You basically have a giant wind source, usually from a propeller or blower system, that creates a column of air that will allow you to float. Some people call this body flying or indoor skydiving. The tunnels can also be used for training and testing new dive methods and tricks.

The air in the tunnel will be 120 mph or greater to maintain an upward flow of air to hold you. This will give you the ability to skydive without a plane or having to jump out of one. No parachute is needed! The airflow speed is the average person, terminal velocity speed and can vary from person to person.
Most skydivers cannot tell the difference between a free fall and a wind tunnel. The name body flying has come to be called because a person is floating in midair inside the tunnel. This is designed to give you the same sensation as a free fall but with the benefit of lasting longer than the actual event.
Having Fun With Indoor Skydiving
One of the best ways to learn how to skydive is to do it indoors. It is considered by some to be one of the safest and wildest ways to learn skydiving.
The only problem is that there are only so many places in the country where you can do it.
One such place is Gatlinburg indoor skydiving in Tennessee or the flyaway center outside of Las Vegas.
Whether you choose the Gatlinburg indoor skydive center or the flyaway center in Las Vegas, generally speaking, the skydiving classes are the same.
Your basic training class takes approximately 25 minutes, after which you can perform 3 minutes of “flight.” Expect to get a little winded during your first skydiving experience, and heck, during all others as well.
Indoor “falling” is an exercise, but don’t worry, you won’t even notice it because of all the indoor wind tunnel sky diving fun you’ll be having. The beauty of this indoor adventure is the advanced science behind it.
You will actually be in a vertical wind tunnel, which propels you in the air and allows you to defy gravity, almost like the zero G’s that astronauts experience.
Learn To Flyaway While Indoors!
It’s not just for beginners either. Professional stunt skydivers, competition-grade divers, and even the military use this wind tunnel technology to train and practice set maneuvers before taking them to ten thousand feet. But don’t be intimidated. It’s suitable for almost anyone.
There are only a few heights and weight restrictions, such as at least 40 pounds and no more than 230 pounds.
With height, the restrictions are somewhat less strict. Just don’t expect to do it if you’re a starting basketball center in the NBA. Also, if you have any serious or chronic health conditions, please be sure to share them with the indoor jumping center before participating.
Once you get clearance, dive in! The jumping center will provide all the proper equipment, such as the suit, goggles, earpieces, and helmet.
They’ll even throw in the instructor, who will follow you into the wind tunnel. Then with a speed of 120 miles per hour, the wind in the tunnel will shoot up to 6 to 12 feet, and more importantly, it will keep you there for the duration of your flight. You’ll have so much fun you’ll forget you’re indoors.
Ensure Safe Environment For Skydivers
Being a safe wind tunnel environment, skydivers can perform rolls, tumbles, and other acrobatic stunts in a controlled environment. One of the skydiving sports is called formation, allowing multiple skydivers to make formations and then break apart for safe parachuting to the ground. This allows them to practice and master this art in a safe and controlled environment.
In the wind tunnel, you can use your body to decrease or increase the drag by using your legs and arms as rudders for motion control. There are other techniques that you can use to control your movement. Even the clothing or equipment you are wearing can add to the drag. This also allows the skydiver to see how these items will behave during an actual skydive.
There are two types of wind tunnels that can be used for this indoor skydiving. Of course, there are the ones built into a building, but portable units can also be rented or used in movies or other big events like state fairs.

Portable units are great for people that live in small towns or may not have a permanent indoor wind tunnel to visit. The portable unit gives everyone a chance to fly. This also has the great effects of being outdoors, and you can see your surroundings for a great view. There are nets around to keep beginners from flying out of the air stream.
Wind Tunnels for Indoor Skydive
Indoor wind tunnels that are recirculating have an advantage over non-recirculating in colder climates. These are the two main types of indoor wind tunnels. Non-recirculating uses outdoor air that comes in at the bottom and exits the top. In contrast, recirculating is a controlled environment where the air is created with a loop with turning veins and other equipment.
You may look in your local paper or phonebook to find a local wind tunnel. This could also be listed under; indoor skydiving or body flight. Furthermore, you may also want to check your state fair or other big events to see if they’re going to have a portable unit for you to give it a try, and remember, if you’re not crazy enough to jump out of a plane, this is the next best thing.
How Much is Indoor Skydiving Charges?
Well, different places will have a different rate. On average, the price can be ranged from $35 to $90 for a flight.
Some places will offer a discount for kids below a certain age.
Also, there are a lot of different packages offered by different indoor skydiving providers. Some are having, single flight, repeat flight, or book of 5 flights. Some providers offer 2 One minute flights 2 minute, or 4-minute packages. Besides, you can also get the DVD service to record your skydiving experience, where you will charge for additional $10 to $20.
To know the prices in more detail, you can check on various websites for the indoor skydiving locations you intend to go to. You will get the idea, and you can then decide which one offers the price you think is reasonable for you.