Some people may not know what is non-marking badminton shoes all about. This type of shoe is typically used in indoor games like badminton, table tennis, basketball, volleyball, etc. They hardly leave some mark on the floor, so they are named non-marking shoes.
Several of these particular shoes are made of smooth rubber material and provide optimum friction between the inside surface, mostly very sleek, and the footwear.
As a beginner, I arrived at the venue, and just before I could get to the court, I was asked not to play if I didn’t own non-marking shoes. I thought, what a bummer, so I went online and researched to find out why.
So why do courts emphasize the use of non-marking shoes? To maintain and preserve the playing surface during playing. Regular shoes have a different type of sole, a harder kind, that can leave skid marks on the surface. This, in turn, leaves the surface, either wooden or turf, looking unpleasant and damaged with many scratches.
Many badminton players have little to no information about the game. This includes the kind of shoes they should put on or the best rackets to use. If that’s you, then keep reading and learn about this crucial topic.
Non-Marking Shoes for Badminton
Most playing venues have a synthetic coating, which is soft and polished. If you use marked shoes, they can easily damage the courtyard by scraping or adding scratched and dark lines. This not only makes the place unsightly but also slippery.
But that’s not the only reason non-marking shoes are recommended for badminton. Take a look at other significant reasons.
- They provide stability and support during play. The game is quite vigorous with all the turning and tossing, so the shoes need to feel secure enough to enable you to balance while on the court.
- The softened sole allows for a smooth landing or when you’re sprinting. Using hard soles to play games can cause blisters, which isn’t something you want.
- A great type of shoe for speed and agility. Just like there are recommended shoes for running, there are recommended shoes for sports.
- The shoes are perfectly pivoted to aid in turning and shifting on the court.
- They are excellent shock absorbers with extra padding fitted in the shoe.
- They allow for a suitable fit for the shoes. You will exert all the energy and power in the right places.
In general, using non-marking shoes provide excellent footwear for you as you play. So how do you know the shoes are non-marking? Well, there are two ways to check for this type of shoes.
- Press – as mentioned above, they have a soft sole. Using your fingers, press the sole inwards and see if they dent. If so, they are non-marking.
- Test – the best way to know is to wear and test them. Using clean paper, turn the shoe left and right several times like your turning. Look at the paper and source for scuff marks. If none, you have a winner.

Why Are Non-Marking Badminton Shoes Required?
Traditional shoes are certain to leave marks on the badminton court surfaces while playing, as a great deal of movement and pressure is needed on the court. This will likely create scratches or maybe shoe marks on the outside, which harm the playing turf and spoil the encounter. To deal with this, the venues suggest the usage of shoes which have non-marking soles.
Synthetic courts are green in color and a little soft. Marking surface shoes typically leave lines/dark marks, which can’t be eliminated and spoils the appearance of the court as well as spoils the mat on the whole.
Just in case of wooden, thanks to marking shoes getting used to playing, the hard sole of the shoes scrapes off of the gum laid on the roof of the wooden surface and winds up making the court slippery a bit too early, or else a properly gummed solid wood court can last for at least a season minimum in case non-marking shoes are used.
How to Check If A Shoe Has Non-Marking Soles
Step one
Flip the footwear over, and so the sole is facing up. Press your fingernail or thumbnail into the single and observe if the sole is dented from the stress. If the sole is dented momentarily, it is regarded as smooth, and it is likely a nonmarking shoe.
Step two
Hold the shoe in the hand of yours, with the single facing down. Place a portion of fresh white paper on a tough surface, like the floor. Gently rub the sole with the white paper by pressuring on it but don’t tear the paper. Search for a scuff mark on the paper. In case a scuff mark is seen by you, you don’t have nonmarking shoes.
Step three
Write with the heel of the footwear at the sole on an additional piece of simple white paper. Draw a line with the heel on the newspaper and look at the paper for marking. In case you don’t see a mark, you’ve nonmarking soles. Even though shoes with dark soles tend to be more prone to leave marks than individuals with light soles, you can obtain nonmarking black soled shoes.
Can Non-Marking Shoes Be Used Outside?
There are no limitations to using the shoes under specific circumstances, but they can get damaged from the outdoor surfacing.
Non-marking shoes are soft and fitted with extra landings for comfort. In that case, it’s not likely to hurt or pain the legs or ankles when used for casual wear or other activities. Nonetheless, the effect is felt on the shoes.
Such shoes are explicitly used for indoor games such as tennis, badminton, and other sports. So once they get exposed to the outside environment, the sole will begin to damage, especially when you walk on a tarmac road.
Another effect on the shoes occurs with stiffness and agility. They will become less resistant, causing you to slip and fall while playing with them. The rough surface will tamper with the soles making them lose their grip.
Finally, the maintenance of the shoes. Such shoes are made by highly esteemed brands that take their time to manufacture and produce such quality shoes. As so, it’s important to maintain their durability, and this means not using them haphazardly.
Are Badminton Shoes Necessary?
Yes, the shoes are essential for the game because of the numerous benefits to the player. Since the benefits are highlighted above, here’s a look at three primary reasons why these shoes are necessary.
- Since these soles are made of rubber for grip and traction, they provide suitable traction preventing you from falling as you play.
- Stiff heel – the shoes have an increased support system that allows for even distribution of weight and energy and a great anchor and cushion for your feet.
- Shock absorption – you will have an easy time playing with less fatigue.
Beginner Badminton Shoes
As a beginner, there are many things you will capture wrong the first time. Other times, you won’t even know you’re wrong until you’re told. In this case, there are certain things a beginner should look for in the shoes to ensure easy play.
- Durability – you will need quality shoes for such an engaging game.
- Light in weight – the game involves a lot of movement. Hence, it would help if you had shoes you could easily move around with.
- Thinner soles – this is just a mechanism to prevent you from spraining your ankle.
- Rubber gums for improved grip and traction.
- Ergonomic shape – some shoes have the perfect shape for added stability.
- Breathable – as a beginner, you have a long way in terms of practice. Hence, it would help if you had something with constant airflow.
There are many brands out there that offer excellent non-marking shoes for beginners in the game. Ensure you check for the above qualities.
Types of Non-Marking Shoes for Badminton
We have already established what non-marking shoes are. Onto the types, there are two types of non-marking shoes.
- White soled – this is the standard type found in the market. It’s easier for the white, light-soled shoe not to leave skid marks or scratches on the ground.
- Black soled – this type is most probably due to customer demand. The white-soled is easily stained compared to the black. One disclaimer, though, for this type. It’s often difficult to distinguish it from running shoes.
Are Non-Marking Shoes Same As Non-Slip Shoes?
The answer is, they’re not the same. Non-marking shoes are shoes with rubber or maybe man-made rubber outsoles that won’t leave black marks or maybe indentations on the polished hardwood floors of a gymnasium.
Non-slip shoes are shoes with outsole treads that were engineered and tried to provide much better traction than typical shoes on slick surfaces.
Typically “non-marking” implies a harder rubber, so this usually implies they’re Very likely to slip. Softer rubbers are likely to stick much better on smooth surfaces. It’s a lot more the look on the sole pattern than the substance that produces the adhesion qualities. When you need “non-slip,” you should primarily get shoe states that they have that quality.
Difference between Non-Marking and Non-Slip Shoes
Non-marking shoes have gained much popularity from the indoor sports community. They are known to provide stability and no scuffs or skid marks on the floor. So what’s the difference between these shoes and anti-slip shoes?
The anti-slip shoes are a distinct type of shoe that provides safety from unnecessary falling or tripping. The rubber sole has been manufactured so that it has more resistance to slipping or skidding from surfaces.
It’s crucial to note that even though all these shoes are made with a rubber sole, not all non-marking shoes are anti-slip. They have no added protection from skidding in oil, soapy water, chemicals, or other surfaces.
Can I Use Non-Marking Shoes For Badminton for Other Sports?
All indoor sports must have non-marking shoes to maintain the playing surface’s integrity and aid the players with easy movements. Nonetheless, there are distinctions between the shoes, hence why every sport has its specific non-marking shoes.
The shoes must be light in badminton, have thinner soles, a stronger grip, and traction. There needs to be a power cushion to help with the quick movements on the court, plus the material has to be breathable.
As for basketball, the sole is raised and thick. The game entails a lot of ducking, jumping, and hopping. The shoes are also not lightweight. Otherwise, they won’t be as durable as needed for the game. Also, basketball non-marking shoes are high in that they fit up to the ankle to maximum comfort and stability.
What about volleyball? Straight answer, no. Non-marking shoes for volley offer no lateral support, which is crucial for badminton. The game of badminton has a lot of lateral and reverse movements. If the shoes don’t support that, then it’s not a good shoe.
Finally, you can use tennis, non-marking shoes for badminton for tennis because the two games involve similar movements. Although, some tennis games are played outdoors on different surfaces, which could damage the shoes.
Final Thoughts
Non-marking shoes for badminton are the best shoes regardless of a beginner, intermediate, or advanced player. There is better footwork while playing the game and added support.
Besides, other supplementary equipment like the racket is easier to use when comfortably navigating the court. Get these shoes for a better experience while gaming.
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